miércoles, 13 de octubre de 2010

Differences between North and South Korea

Expatriates and Migration

People goes aborad of the country not only for vacation, others facts as move out permannently or temporarily for bussines, studies or because the citizen is required for the company in other country.
 An expatriate person can go back to the country without problem but when the person migrate is more difficulte be back in his country wherever the citizen wants.

A company has to afford the expenses of the expatriate person, so, the cost for a company havinf employees out is really high. Also,  they became ambassadors of the culture, knowledge and philosophy of the organization.

In Colombia are certain types of migration, when people in the countryside have to move to the cities for insecurity fact, better conditions or economy facities. In the transnational case, the main factor for migration is armed conflict and better conditions.

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