jueves, 12 de agosto de 2010


Culture is the based in all societies, for a sane coexistence between citizens. Taking this into an organization, will enhance the way to work, also increasing the efficience in the processes. We can define organizational culture as the set of shared beliefs, truths, assumptions, and values that operate in organizations. 

 key factors of organization culture:
  •   It focuses attention on the human side of organizational life, and finds significance and learning in even its most ordinary aspects.
  • It clarifies the importance of creating appropriate systems of shared meaning to help people work together toward desired outcomes.
  • It requires members especially leaders, to acknowledge the impact of their behavior on the organization's culture.
  • It encourages the view that the perceived relationship between an organization and its environment is also affected by the organization's basic assumptions.
  • Organizational culture is possibly the most critical factor determining an organization's capacity, effectiveness, and longevity. It also contributes significantly to the organization's brand image and brand promise.
  • Organizational Culture creates energy and momentum. The energy will permeate the organization and create a new momentum for success.
In conclusion, for an organization to have culture is important because not only enhance the environment, the relation between workers and the way of work, if not, can seen results in the ends, more efficiency and effectiveness too, one example of why culture is a motivator factor for employees.

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUUz_Zvv2nM&p=BFAF4731633E7645&playnext=1&index=19, organizational cultures examples
  2. http://www.dynamicfoundations.com/culture.htm
  3. Davis, Linda. Article organizations and cultures. http://www.organizationalculturecenter.com/

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