jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010

The micro-sociology of the religion

The micro-sociology studies the individual when an individual is practicing it´s own religion, is focus in the individual. but, are others studies as the macro-sociology, that in religion shows patterns of historical change, innovation, conflict, rise and fall. And meso-sociology that shows the importance to understand the dynamics of a given chirch in a given point of time.

We should distinguish between formal ceremonial and interaction ritual, Altought both are rituals, formal ceremonies is performed by an authoroty of the religion and interactual ritual isnt imposed by the institution, just happens. They enact social relationship of different degrees.

Cheking the distinctiveness of religious rituals, can be difered that distinctive emotianl experiencies and symbolic contents are the ones that changes depending each religion and thoughts. Finally, some new religions as scientology are changing the mind and thoughts of people. The majority of people are catholic not by choice if not by heritage, that may generate rejec by people who recieve religion because of the parents. For most people, religion is an obligation and should be something that each one believe and want to preach.

Religious Organization

People gets closer to religion when feels sad, or is suffering, have troubles. Siddharta Gautama is the icon of religious leader, military leader and for his profecies. 

the story of this religious leader start when Siddharta´s father kept him in his castle to try he couldnt see the pain, suffering  and not get close to religion, but  at the age of 29 Siddhartha left his palace to meet his subjects. Despite his father's efforts to hide from him the sick, aged and suffering, Siddhartha was said to have seen an old man. When his charioteer channa explained to him that all people grew old, the prince went on further trips beyond the palace. On these he encountered a diseased and an ascetic. These depressed him, and he initially strived to overcome ageing, sickness, and death by living the life of an ascetic. The principle that buda teach is when spiritualization is institutionalized, they can achieve to control people, to get profits, to get power. things are induced by men through the religiuos institutions. man, a decaying corpse,

Sem is other icon, was one of the three sons of Noah, he got the authority by his father. Jews reflect a lot of things, this makes them hermetic towards another cultures. 

The differents religious leaders of each culture and religion have give taughts to the humanity, this has created history and new ideas to the world, enhancing the differetns thoughts of each religion.

miércoles, 13 de octubre de 2010

Differences between North and South Korea

Expatriates and Migration

People goes aborad of the country not only for vacation, others facts as move out permannently or temporarily for bussines, studies or because the citizen is required for the company in other country.
 An expatriate person can go back to the country without problem but when the person migrate is more difficulte be back in his country wherever the citizen wants.

A company has to afford the expenses of the expatriate person, so, the cost for a company havinf employees out is really high. Also,  they became ambassadors of the culture, knowledge and philosophy of the organization.

In Colombia are certain types of migration, when people in the countryside have to move to the cities for insecurity fact, better conditions or economy facities. In the transnational case, the main factor for migration is armed conflict and better conditions.

miércoles, 6 de octubre de 2010

"Amaras el lider sobre todas las cosas"

In the film "Amaras el lider sobre todas las cosas" the director wanted focus on all the negative things about North Korea. I think every country makes mistakes and have both positive and negative politics and laws; Also, all cultures are differents with own thoughts and ways to live.

North Korea  is one of the most literate countries in the world, with an average literacy rate of 99%, Education is compulsory until high school, this is the major good aspect of the country.

Tourism in North Korea is organized by the state owned Korea International Travel Company. Every group of travelers as well as individual tourists/visitors is permanently accompanied by one or two "guides" who normally speak the mother language of the tourist. While tourism has increased over the last few years, tourists from Western countries remain few.

Is a country that is concern about the environment, for that the bike is the first transportation of the citizens. Cars are difficult to get for the differents laws against the trade of those. this is a country distinguish for the order, cleanness and neatness in the cities. and in the last place, men are raise in a military environment this could be a good thing for the patriotism.

jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2010

What should be the position of the government towards migration?

The government plays an important role, in migration process. indeed is the one that can open and closed barriers. Nowaydays, both oluntary migration within one's region, country, or beyond, and involuntary migrationslave trade, Human traffic in human beings and ethnic cleansing). 

The position of the government would depends on, if its voluntary or involuntary. in voluntary migration the help and support of the government would be easier the process of start in a new country. In the other hand when is involuntary or Forced migration, has been a means of social control under authoritarian regimes yet free initiative migration is a powerful factor in social adjustment and the growth of urban populations. Government should help this people, keep in touch with them and giving them advices.

martes, 31 de agosto de 2010


The stereotype of managers that we see nowadays, are that ones that still are considered as person that are never wrong, that never makes a mistake. Person that is at the top of the organization with all the power of choice, that is considered that couldn´t be fired and is percieved as really important so is gonna be secure in his position. I think that the manager is not accesible that much to all the employees. For me a manager should me more accesible to the employees and take in count their ideas, for example in Sofasa the executive board listen the ideas of the workers, and once a employee give the idea that in the same machine where paint the cars putting two twingos instead one could safe money, and was a succesfully idea, so a manager listen advices of all the co-workers dont loss the power, instead can see mistakes and achieve new goals.


Throughout  the history, managers have been considered as a heroes and gods, in the ancient time people thought that leaders had divine power. Managers are considered as heroes for several reasons like:
  • The power of choice that have inside the company, is the desicion maker.
  • Represents the whole company, and  is a person in the organization that never makes a mistake, in conclusion is never wrong.
  • The employees have the perception that the manager gives the money, still the preception is wrong.
  • The advices or directions of the manager is easier to trust, for the wisdom that he represents.
In conclusion, the power that a manager represents, can create an absolute power and this one creates absolute distators, so power is an important issue that know how handle it makes excelent leaders and managers.

There are three differents management styles (autocratic,permissive and democratic) and are focus in the internal environment of the organization, the differences between management styles in the both countries are not that much, both like prepared meetings, clear topics and make appointments at least two weeks in advance.
England people is more polite, likes to be on time, and arent closer that latin america, in the other hand, Brazilian are more relx, meeting usually start and end late, and likes to be closer.


lunes, 30 de agosto de 2010

Age, Gender and Genetic, As Discrimination Factors in Organizations

Nowadays the gender still is an important factor of discrimination in organizations, according several studies some companies hire easier men than women. In this moment this type of discrimination should not happen, the world has changed and now the globalization, show us differents management styles.

In Colombia the relation between age/experience to get a job is incoherent, because if you are a young without experience is difficult make it, but if you are old with tons of experince is difficult too, so age is a factor of discrimination because the age doesnt say anything about you, in organizations should give a chance to young and old people to show all the capacities and skills that we have.

In the movie GATTACA we can appreciate the genetic discrimination, and applying it in real life when  someompanies hire people just focusing in how look people, also how people have to face prejudices to get jobs or achieve goals.

domingo, 15 de agosto de 2010


In organizational culture we can check the cultural diversity, this one can be split in five main topics as assumptions, values, meanings, understandings and corporate image.
In conclusion, the cultural diversity want that the organization first, think as a collective and not as individual, second, respect and know that there are different opinions, also, that the beliefs can not be the same between people in the organization. simultaneously, know how to interprete and remember how things are done. And, finally to have clear that employees reflect what the company does. 

Teamwork is complicated and to handle it, needs a leader that enforced the identity of each member of the group, also, to move on is important emphasize on groups and dont on people. Consider that the snowball effect can harm all the work process, so put attention in details are important because one small problem can end in some really important one, as well, have an integrated teamwork makes efficient the work. The leader of the unit,needs to have a control over the group, having clear rules stablish and managing a risk tolerance,
and the employees needs to have rewards for the work, like benefits on the salary.

jueves, 12 de agosto de 2010


Culture is the based in all societies, for a sane coexistence between citizens. Taking this into an organization, will enhance the way to work, also increasing the efficience in the processes. We can define organizational culture as the set of shared beliefs, truths, assumptions, and values that operate in organizations. 

 key factors of organization culture:
  •   It focuses attention on the human side of organizational life, and finds significance and learning in even its most ordinary aspects.
  • It clarifies the importance of creating appropriate systems of shared meaning to help people work together toward desired outcomes.
  • It requires members especially leaders, to acknowledge the impact of their behavior on the organization's culture.
  • It encourages the view that the perceived relationship between an organization and its environment is also affected by the organization's basic assumptions.
  • Organizational culture is possibly the most critical factor determining an organization's capacity, effectiveness, and longevity. It also contributes significantly to the organization's brand image and brand promise.
  • Organizational Culture creates energy and momentum. The energy will permeate the organization and create a new momentum for success.
In conclusion, for an organization to have culture is important because not only enhance the environment, the relation between workers and the way of work, if not, can seen results in the ends, more efficiency and effectiveness too, one example of why culture is a motivator factor for employees.

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUUz_Zvv2nM&p=BFAF4731633E7645&playnext=1&index=19, organizational cultures examples
  2. http://www.dynamicfoundations.com/culture.htm
  3. Davis, Linda. Article organizations and cultures. http://www.organizationalculturecenter.com/


    "The first thing that you need to generate culture is have an organization".

    Culture integrate all the activities, structures and ways of behave of a team. Also, includes the different products that society produces; it can be material or immaterial. We can take the culture into the organization as the behave of the co-workers, employees and all the parts of the company. Organizational Culture, generate human resources and culture paradigms, as a result, the company can identify the identity of the workers and notice the leaders.

    According the Robbins Diagram, to create organizational culture, you need to have clear the philosophy of the founders, and apply it in all the processes of the organization, and according this one manage the selection criteria